Essex Police are unable to accurately extract the level of detail in relation to the nationality of missing persons.
Publication schemeMissing children in March to Sept 2019 and 2020 broken down by gender; risk assessment level; suicide markers; where reported missing from; outcomes reported at case closure.
Publication schemeProvided details of the policies for reviewing homicide and missing person investigations. Included details of the composition of the review teams and types of review.
Publication schemeMissing Person statistics from 2016 to 2021 including breakdowns by Gender, Ethnicity and Age.
Publication schemeThe number of women missing person cases aged 16 to 65 for 01 March 2020 to 31 March 2021 and 01 January 2021 to 15 March 2021 and how many remain unsolved.
Publication schemeFigures relating to children who had missing episodes recorded and were flagged as being at risk of sexual exploitation 2018-2020.
Publication schemeProvided the numbers of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC) who were reported as missing for over 72 hours in 2021, 2020, 2019 and the total length of time they were missing for before being found.
Publication schemeAmmunition belonging to Essex Police (that is, any firearm or ammunition which is used by firearms officers) that was reported as missing, lost or stolen.
Publication schemeRegistered Sex Offenders (RSO’s) Statistics as at 20 September 2021. The ESAFE system is currently used by Essex Police for monitoring online activity. The VISOR system cannot provide historical data for a specific day. As the numbers are fluid on a daily basis, we can only give data for the current date i.e. the date and time the search is run.
Publication schemeProvided the numbers of people wanted, missing and listed as 'locate' by Essex Police on the PNC. Also confirmed that Essex Police do not hold nationwide data for the above.
Publication scheme